Friday, August 10, 2012


"Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it" – Trey Parker.

Saying good-bye is terrible, even if it is months away before it actually means good-bye. 

On May 31, 2013 I will retire from this amazing career I've chosen for the past 6 years. It's time, and there are a million reasons why. But none of them involve you, my generous, kind, incredible friends. You've been the reason I stayed. 

I want to say thank you to everyone who helped to make me feel beautiful and wanted and adored. Who made me laugh, who sometimes let me cry and who always made every moment so memorable. It's been a really thrilling ride.

I will miss you, but I need to get back to a place of normalcy. Where I can be who I want to be and not be afraid of the things that do make this experience sometimes scary and sometimes not so fun.

I want to burrow down and nest a little. I want to love honestly and openly. I want to build new dreams and experience life in a different way. 

But, I will never forget you, I promise. You'll always be a part of me.  

I need to say good-bye to each and every one of you and tell you how amazing you've all been. To thank you from the bottom of my heart and then send you off in search of the next fiery redhead to take your breath away (I'm assuming I did, or you lied in those reviews! Uh!). ;)

I'm looking forward to my new happiness, I hope you'll join my good-bye celebration, I would love that.

I will see you soon, and then...May. 

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