Monday, December 19, 2011

Dear Santa

Let's just get it out: I've been bad. 

Maybe not in a no-Christmas-presents-for-you kind of way, but definitely in a way that says ho-ho-ho, if you know what I mean. 

I'm not sure what my punishment is, you don't exactly go into that in your song (the mildly threatening one that has scared me since childhood), but I can tell you that if you were really watching then I surely taught you what naughty was.

I hope there is no photographic evidence, SANTA.

I'm also hoping we can come to some sort of agreement about this. I mean, I'm not going to get less naughty as the years go on (I'm in my prime, hello?) and you're not going to change a history that has kept small children in line since the beginning of time, so an agreement would work well for all of us. That, and you get to see what bad really is. It's like holiday porn from Nikki! My gift to you! You're welcome!

How about you keep bringing those 5" Christian Louboutin's, the fabulous men with their wit and charm, and vacations in Barbados and I promise to always keep my rear to the fireplace. 


Dirty Santa. I like.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Washington, D.C.

As I sit here packing my things up and getting ready to leave to go home to Vegas, I feel a sort of sadness creeping over me. 

This has been the best time I've ever had here. I have seen amazing people, all of you, I've eaten great food, I've had amazing conversation, seen old friends and experienced new places and I am so happy that I have. 

Thank you, every single one of you that came to see me and that made me feel beautiful and sexy and adored. You are all so wonderful. 

I hope that you won't forget me and that I made your time with me just as enjoyable, because it was all so wonderful for me. 

So, thank you for your kindness, your amazing generosity, your fantastic company and for being the same gracious men that I've always known here. You are wonderful and adored by me. 

Happy holidays, you've made mine joyous.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I don't need a season to be grateful, but I'll go ahead and use this as a platform to tell you all how deeply appreciative I am to have talked to you, gotten to know you and met some of you and how grateful I am that you keep coming back day after day and reading the most nonsensical tripe ever posted on the internet. You rock.

Thank you for your generosity, your sense of humor, your concern for me, your desire to see me and most importantly, your desire to form a connection with me. Your amazing dedication to me humbles me.  

Thank you for making my life richer and fuller just by knowing all of you are out there and cheering me on, thank you for buoying my spirits when I see my loyal following. Thank you for taking an interest, there is no greater a compliment to me than your interest. I am truly, truly undeserving, but oh, so grateful. 

I hope as this year comes to an end that you take stock of the amazing things in your life, that you love deeply and live a life unbridled all while being grateful, I know for a fact that I have and that I am.

Happy holidays to you from a very, very grateful me.


Sunday, November 20, 2011


I'm sure this post will surprise no one that actually knows me. I'm southern born, Dallas to be exact (for you slackers who haven't read my whole, beautiful blog), and I was raised a certain way.

For instance, I hand write thank you notes for everything anyone has every done for me in the whole wide world at any time. Everyone should have a thank you note in my handwriting by now. 

I remember birthdays and anniversaries, the day you got your tonsils removed, and that dog that died when you were a teenager? That too. And, I write you to let you know that I remember. Not to browbeat with my fabulous memory OR manners, but because it was drilled into my head that this is What You Do.

I've been told I'm a very polite person. Yes, because I didn't want to get beaten (just kidding!). I actually revel in my politeness. I say 'thank you' for every goddamned thing anyone ever does for me, not once, but most likely a hundred times. Waitresses wonder if it's a tic. 'Thank you for the extra napkins. Oh, did I thank you for those napkins? Oh, by the way, thank you for those napkins in case you didn't hear me before.' Yeah, that tic.

So, having grown up with these severe southern sensibilities, I admit that my expectations of people are probably quite a bit higher than is normal in this age of go, go, go, email, text, Twitter, Facebook (good god, Facebook) and whatever other social network that's comes alive and saturates your brain with the push of a button on your iPad/iPhone/Android/PC/laptop.

I love politeness. Love it, remember it, make note of it, mention it, frame it and hang it in my head to remember how amazing the person who has propagated this lovely THING that I hold so close to my fluttering heart is. Oh my (can you hear Scarlett O'Hara AT ALL?).

Having said all of that, I say this: politeness is a fading art. It is disappointing that people are losing respect for one another and, in doing so, the small ways that tell people, 'you are important' or 'I appreciate you' is going away. And that's really sad. 

I just ask that you extend to me the same courtesy I extend to you. If I've responded to you, write me back. If you call and I return that call, call again. If you like something I've done or said or written, tell me about it. I can assure you that I will make my whole family proud and return the favor.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Addendum to My Holiday Donation Post

I'm sorry, I should have specifically mentioned that I am only doing my food drive in Las Vegas, not in D.C. 

If I know anything about the generosity of D.C. men, I know that the donations I'd get would be overwhelming and I'd need a private plane to haul it all back! So, I cannot accept canned goods while I'm there. And, as much as I'd love to, I can't give the discount, either. It's very expensive for me to travel there, what with getting us a fantastic place to rendevous, flight and car rental I can only show my appreciation to you by making sure you have the most fabulous time ever. I hope that's enough. 

I should have thought about this before I posted, but here we are.

So...I'm a bad Nikki. Santa says spank me.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I understand the need to keep up with my blog, I really do, but something terrible has happened. I started going to the gym and all of my body parts stopped working. Well, most. Heh.

If there is anyone to blame for this mess it's my trainer. If you need her number hit me up, anyone in defense of me is welcome to it. Cheerleaders for the other team need not apply. She is blissfully unaware that I need my appendages to work. They are there for a reason, dammit. So that I can look through clothes racks for my next sexy outfit. Duh.

I need to ask her what she has against my legs. Arms. Butt. Abs. Really, what? They hurt ALL. THE. TIME.

Also, the StairMaster is not necessary. Satan designed it and it is therefore against my religion to go near it. That didn't work in case you were wondering.

Elliptical, treadmill, bicycle. Torture devices. Legal torture devices.

I swear, I'll be in the middle of having a heat stroke in my face (that's where all the blood rushes) and I'm just waiting for the police to bust in and shut the place down. Apparently they don't see things the same way.

I'm not asking for much, I just want to be able to walk upright out of the gym. Crawling is so hard on my knees. At the rate I'm going I'm going to have to replace every joint in my body.

And supplements. What do I look like? A science experiment? Glucosamine, omegas, Muscle Milk (mmmm, this one is tasty, tasty), protein, B-12. Stop already. Okay, keep the Muscle Milk.

I've been working out for 2 oh-so-long weeks and nothing. I quit. (Just kidding, she sends guys with necks the size of my waist over every morning - I have no choices).

So, if you need me to write something for you to keep you happy and it looks like this: **$)I+#)#HKNBB#_(#&& - don't worry, in the interest of maintaining my blog I used my head to type as my arms no longer work.

Monday, November 7, 2011


There is one characteristic about me that I've always taken pride in and that is my integrity. I guard it fiercely and no one is allowed to compromise that. 

My name and my identity are sacred. I consider doing this a privilege, but it is also my livelihood and like any good manager would do, I intend to defend my position and my business.

In my personal life I have great credit, I pay my bills on time without fail (a day late isn't acceptable to me), I honor my word, I'm a friend, a sister and a mother and I'm depended on. I don't fail those who need me. 

I have pretty great reviews because I put all of my energy and effort into having spectacular moments with the men who see something in me that causes them to choose me over everyone else. It comes from a sense of wanting to show appreciation for their choice and a place of gratitude (and because I LOVE doing it!).

I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, but as life goes, I am a pretty honorable person.

Lately my integrity has been called into question by not-so-stable people that I've come in contact with through this business and I feel the need to defend myself on at least some small level.

First, let me state the obvious: people have agendas. People with an axe to grind most certainly do. I've come into contact with it recently and it's ugly. People without dogs in the fight have come in with agendas. Loyalty can be a good thing if it weren't so outrageously misguided, but I digress.

My position about this and every other thing in my life is: I am guided by the situation, by the acts of the other person, by a need to secure my personal safety and by my own internal compass. Nothing that is done to me is worth me compromising my integrity. If I did something it was based on facts that no one but the people intimately involved know about. Assuming otherwise, listening to biased parties, etc. sounds like politics to me! 

So, to end this random post, whatever you've heard about me comes from a disgruntled person with an agenda and that is to smear my reputation. From my standpoint I feel safe and secure in knowing that nothing happened that caused me to compromise my integrity and I genuinely feel that in the deepest part of me. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you'll continue to see me as the Nikki Irish you've always know. Thanks for being so awesome.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Holidays and Donations

It's the time of year that I love: the holidays! Sleigh bells ringing and all of that stuff. Oh, and Black Friday...I mean, Thanksgiving!

The air is getting cooler, but the days are so sunny! I love Vegas more than I thought I possibly could, but I'll write about that later. 

Every year since I began doing this sexy thing I do (except last year when I was moving), I've collected canned/dry goods for food pantries in exchange for a discount for the amazingly generous men who see me at the holidays. 

So, beginning November 15, 2011 and going through December 31, 2011, I again will be offering a $50 discount per hour for every 3 cans of food/dried items you bring (ex: 2 hour date + 6 canned or dried items = $100 discount). The maximum discount is $50/hr. So, you can bring me 6 cans/dried items for a one hour meeting, but you only get the $50 discount for the hour.  

I have always have been most fortunate to have friends who are more than willing to help me with my food drive and I hope that this year is no different! Thank you in advance for being so wonderful!

Here is a list of the most needed items:

Canned meat, such as tuna, chicken, ham and Spam

Dried and canned beans

Canned soups


Macaroni and cheese

Peanut butter

Please limit your donations to these items PLEASE! Thank you!

I look forward to seeing you and enjoying the holidays with you. And thank you for helping others have a wonderful holiday as well!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pet Peeves

As a redhead I'm pretty fiery about the things I believe in. I feel passionate about most things; docile or apathetic are not words generally used to describe me.

That brings me to this amazing life that I get to live. Meeting amazing people and having incredible moments with them really does bring something to my life. Having said that, though, I do meet people who sometimes fail to impress. Let me say that a majority meet or exceed my high expectations, but there are always those few. You know who you are (but if you don't...allow me).

The things that really light my fire (in an arson sort of way) are things that really come down to being ignorant of or ignoring basic courtesies. 

The first is being late. I could be rabid about this (as I really do my very best to be on time to everything), but it really gets to me. I really try to be flexible, but I really do get bored of hearing about traffic delays. Unless you just fell into a large city from a spaceship that captured you before cars were invented, you realize what traffic patterns exist in your world. Let me tell you, I've lived in NYC, DC, Boston and Houston/Dallas (as far as high traffic areas go) I KNOW what traffic is. I also know that if I ever wanted to be somewhere on time that I left hours early never trusting that it would be a good day. My reliability is my best asset. Please make it yours when dealing with me. Thank you, Mr. Punctual. Heh.

Speaking of time; I really enjoy being with you, honestly I do, but I live my life on a schedule. I go to school, I have dogs that need to be walked, loved and coddled like the spoiled brats I've molded them to be, I have groceries to buy, errands to run, bills to pay and shoes to buy (thank you for your contribution to those last two items - I love you). I find you fascinating and I truly enjoy your company, but I have limits. Those limits don't necessarily start and stop at the hour mark, but if I'm kind enough to not watch that clock, be kind enough to ask me if I have the time to spare on your own. It makes me feel like the extra time I give you is valued. Being taken advantage of is my least favorite activity.

Be a gentleman. The majority of you have this down to an art form. Your graciousness, thoughtfulness and kindness fill me with gratitude and make me so thankful that I get to do this amazing thing that I love so much. Without partners like you this would not be worth doing, so thank you. There are those very few that will, however, go on boards, write reviews and generally speak negatively. I find this to be crass and offensive. If you don't enjoy something about our experience, not telling me immediately effectively takes away your right to degrade and insult me in public forums (not that it should ever happen, but whatever). At least that's my opinion. It doesn't happen much, but when it does it makes doing this a little harder and a little less fun. I really dislike when a person can't help but lose all manners regarding such an intimate experience. The old adage 'if you can't say something nice...' surely should apply here. At any rate, it makes you look unkind and women don't want to see unkind men, so you know. And may I reiterate that there are very few who behave this way, the rest of you make my world go 'round.

So, now that I've gotten this out of the way I hope we can continue to be good friends. I adore meeting you and spending time with you; it has to be one of my favorite activities in the world (if you couldn't tell) and I really am so appreciative that, out of all the beautiful women in the world, you choose me to spend time with. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

10 Things I LOVE

1. Laughing so hard I cry

2. Soft, warm sheets

3. The silence of scuba diving

4. My dogs, my dogs, my dogs

5. Dressing up beautifully

6. Southern comfort food: mac 'n cheese, mashed potatoes, meatloaf

7. Talking to my sons

8. Driving fast on a sunny day with the sunroof open 

9. Hearing my family tell me they love and miss me

10. Listening to John Denver's Greatest Hits and thinking about my dad

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Patience is a Virtue

No, silly, I'm not talking about you and the extraordinarily long wait you've had up until now waiting for me to finally post again. I'm talking about me and my complete lack of this virtue.

An ex used to say about me that I was 'in the IG Department.' I asked him what that meant and he simply said 'the Instant Gratification Department.' Truer words were never spoken. 

I want this move to happen NOW. I want to be in Vegas NOW. I want, I want, I want and I want it NOW. See?

The worst part, I believe, is that I'm certain that I could have what I wanted now if I just made the herculean effort to make it happen. But then we come to my other flaw (as I only have these two, you know): procrastination.

I know that I need to do things. Not only do I know I need to do them, but I know that I CAN do them. I can do them and get them over with, but noooooo, being on the internet, reading a book, shopping, sleeping, eating, staring off into space are so much more fun/important/distracting than actually doing anything productive. 

An example: I have homework (I will be in school in perpetuity). I am an excellent student, especially at research/writing. I actually LOVE school. I love every subject I've ever had unless it begins with 'm' and ends with 'ath.' But I cannot for the life of me START an assignment unless there are only 10 minutes left until it's due. It's the most insane thing I do (that's debatable, I'm sure). 

So, anyway, I wrote all of this to say...

can someone come over and help me pack? I ONLY HAVE FOUR DAYS 'TIL I LEAVE. OMG. (look, I have four days to get something done, that's a record!)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10 Things

1. I love, love, love Diet Coke

2. I have a twin sister

3. The height difference between me and said twin sister is 4" (I'm taller)

4. I celebrate my birthday all month long (September)
5. I can deep throat a Corona and drink it all that way (no, I will not show you)

6. I'm an excellent cook when I do cook (but not as good as my twin)

7. I want to move to Barbados and be a dive master forever

8. My favorite color is purple

9. I was a cheerleader in high school

10. I didn't have sex for the first time until I was almost 18 

Monday, October 10, 2011


When warm lips come together in the softest, most gentle of ways and they part with the easing of the tongue, I melt. 

When lips touch mine my mind immediately tells me to get closer, to meet and to connect intimately. It says to explore, find, touch, feel. It is an invitation to passion.

I can feel a kiss, if done right, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. It is an all-encompassing, warm rush of emotion that can say so many things. 

Fuck me.

Love me.

Take me.

Be gentle.

Be rough.

If translated correctly it is the thoroughfare to ecstasy.

It can be exploratory, curious, engaging, playful or naughty. To be such a singular act with so many facets is to have an unending way to connect.

I love the wetness of the mouth combined with the softness of lips. Isn't it the most luxurious of textures, to have a soft lips and a wet tongue meet the same? It's as though I'm sliding beneath the cool, soft sheets on the softest of beds; my senses heightened to the intensity of the meeting of these elements. I melt. 

Lead me into passion with the taste of your mouth on mine, I will go.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I'm obsessed with nakedness. I think the human form is the most sensual sight. I can find something sexy on anyone, man or woman. Everything about the body gives me a passionate thrill. 

I love the curve of the neck, the way a shoulder blade juts out, the slope from back to bottom. I love curves and cuts and valleys, I love texture and form and function. Oh, function, how I love thee. 

I love the natural smell of someone. That animalistic, earthy smell that takes me to the most erotic of places. Being tactile means that my hands roam, taking in those textures, those traits that only a man can have. The solid, rough surface that creates a sexual friction causes my blood to boil and my heart to pound.

I can look at a man and immediately crave to have the landscape of his body under my touch. Strangers, friends, men, anyone. Bodies stir something in me that is so primal, as though I need to claw their clothes off to get to their skin. To get to the base of my sexual desires. 

Everything else is just bonus. 

Vegas, Baby!

I went yesterday and signed on my new place in Vegas. It's gorgeous! It's not exactly in the area I wanted to be in, but it's very close to the strip and that works better for the moment. 

I have to just mention that I'm not leaving L.A. because the traffic is mind boggling, the smog is...(what IS that?), or the people in Beverly Hills still wear velour (although that makes for a strong case), I'm leaving because Las Vegas feels so perfectly perfect for me. 

I always drive in I-15 and as I come up over the hill and see Vegas in the valley below me, I feel this rush of...something. Familiarity? Love? Awe? Yes, yes, yes. While I understand the state of Las Vegas, it never crumbles under that, but rises up almost majestically out of the desert and shines on. I respect that. 

I also respect the fact that I can practically drink, get a tattoo (not that I would, ahem), walk barefoot, or wear whatever crazy thing I want to 24 hours a day and fit in! It's like the anti-high school effect! Love!

It's also affordable, fun and easy. Easy in ways that I deem important. Traffic is minimal (Boston, NYC, D.C., L.A. I'm talking to you), shopping is plentiful and mountains. Oh boy, mountains. On a clear day the mountains almost shimmer. It's like a 3-D affect. It can be startling almost. I can think of a lot more things I could dislike beside being startled by beauty. 

So, I'm headed there to live in the city I've most found to be like me. Bright, vibrant, entertaining and let's not forget slutty (you thought I was going to say cheap, didn't you? Shame on you!).

See you there!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Back home and snuggled down in my oh, so soft bed writing this causes me to feel delirious! I'm so glad to be back. 

For all of my raging, pent up desire to run around this wild continent (and others, too - where allowed by law) I am never so happy as when I cross the threshold of my own comfortable home after gallivanting here and there. There is nothing like it. 

Having said that, this trip reminded me as I stepped up to my door, that I'd soon be leaving here and that made me sad. The beauty of this place is so calming and wonderful. I like the consistency of the weather and how perfect it always is. I'll definitely miss that. 

But, my move is a positive move, a move that will bring me closer to a much more permanent home which, at one point, I had absolutely no interest in. Funny how life changes you. 

I've lived in Texas, Mississippi, Massachusetts, California (twice), Virginia, DC, New York and Nevada. I get a thrill out of being the master of my destiny and using that power to go where I want. I have had some amazing adventures, learned some things (that black stuff in NYC? Not tar, but dirty, filthy ice - walk slowly - you're welcome) and always looked ahead to the next adventure. But, now, now I want to settle down and have my own space in the same place for years. I hope I can find that in Las Vegas (my heart feels right there).

For now, I'm packing, moving, saying good-bye to my almost brand new friends and hoping that this is the move of my life. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Scuba Diving

As most know, scuba diving is my passion and I do it as often as I can. I get asked about it a lot so I thought I'd answer some frequently asked questions in this post. 

I am a master scuba diver. I started diving five years ago and have about 80 dives under my belt. 

In order to attain MSD you must have five specialty certifications and 50 dives as well as rescue diver. There are many to choose from but I have the following: peak performance buoyancy, equipment specialist, deep diver, wreck diver and enriched air diver (nitrox). I am an open water and advance open water diver as well. I also have National Geographic diver certification.

I have been diving in the following locales:

Turks and Caicos (certified here)
Cayman Islands (Brac and Little)
Florida Keys (couple of times)
Morehead, NC (sharks!)
Houston, TX (master diver)
Playa del Carmen, Mexico (cenotes)
Taveuni, Fiji
Barbados (several times)
Virginia (quarry)

I was most disappointed in Fiji. There were surges and plankton and it was really swift drift diving which does nothing for me. And, it was SO expensive. I probably won't go back there. My favorite has and always will be Barbados. The sea life isn't in abundance and there isn't a lot to see, the hurricanes toss everything around, but the viz goes on forever and the people are some of the nicest I've ever met. I also go in the off season when there aren't a lot of tourists diving so it's me and the dive master that finds the best stuff!

A little back story (I have this post all turned around): I decided to dive in order to confront my terrifying fear of the water. When I was little my family and I would go to Galveston and camp out. We had a camper and we took baths in coolers; that was the life! Anyway, one day when I was about eight or so I was in the ocean and a crab bit my toe. I'd already been a little wary of the dark, murky Gulf water, but that pretty much sealed the deal. I FU-REAKED out. I decided that ocean water and I didn't get along and that was that. UNTIL I went to Turks. Wow. That is when I decided that I needed to confront my fears in the beautiful, transparent waters of the Caribbean.

I signed up, took the class, did my pool work and got ready for the big water tests. This is where things go a little south. Got my gear on, went down about 30 feet and promptly decided that I was claustrophobic. I'd never really had that problem before and wasn't familiar with it so it succeeded in exacerbating an already delicate situation (my sanity). I immediately found the inflator button, miraculously, and proceeded to shoot to the surface like a bullet. Fortunately they hired some really amazing people, one being the dive master who dragged me back down, forced me to make eye contact and got me calm enough to breathe. I need to send her a thank you card. I surfaced, went to a doctor for the chest pains caused by breathing in so deeply I almost collapsed a lung and got the okay to go back out again. And so I did. And so here I am. 

I love diving.

How it Started

A lot of people are usually interested in what led me down this path and I always tell them that it was a complete fluke. I'm not sure they believe me, I hope that what they'd like to believe is a much sluttier version of what I'm about to tell you.

I was living in Washington, D.C. at the time (a place so dear to my heart, and, uhm, loins) and was working in an industry that I realized was headed straight for obsoletion. I had just gone through a financially devastating breakup and was also working a part-time job. On one of my rare nights off I happened upon Craigslist (you totally know what I'm talking about) and saw other girls and realized (quite apparently) that I was just as qualified as they. And so it began.

I was like a kid in a candy store! Men! In all flavors! Colors! SIZES! More than the variety, though, was the idea that maybe I'd found myself. I am a hedonist at heart. I have loved the physical act of sex since I first experienced it at almost 18. I have never NOT felt connected to my body, to my sensuality, to my femininity. It is as natural to me as breathing. So, maybe this was the path less traveled that would make all the difference! And I learned very quickly that it most definitely has made all of the difference.

I enjoy every, single minute of my experiences. The variances, the newness, the familiarity, the timed intimacy that can be so very intimate...all of it. It has opened my world up to pleasures beyond compare. A literal mind would think it would lack those things, but I am here to tell you that it is exactly what you make it, like everything else in life. And I make it mean something, because I want all of my life experiences to have value. 

So, a little more of me. I hope you enjoy what you're seeing.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

So, About Me.

I'm southern born and bred, as we Texans like to put it. Kind of sounds like I was born into a herd of cattle, but so it is, has been and shall always be. I'm from Dallas to be exact. Big D. A Dallasite. I'm also, obviously, a flaming, raging liberal. Guess we know who doesn't get invited to the family reunions.

I started down this career path because I was forced there by fundamentalist Pentecostals. I know, seems extreme, but just verbalizing that means you don't know me at all. I am nothing if not extreme. I dive with sharks, drive my car as though the world was my Autobahn, and live life right on the very crumbling edge. You envy me, admit it.

I'm a passionate, energetic soul; born to breathe in this crazy world deeply and often, hyperventilating to make sure I get it all before it runs out. It's not a problem, it's a gift. Unless you're my therapist trying to suck every last dollar from my wallet, THEN I most definitely have problems.

So, I do this, REALLY, because I love people. I love people, I love learning about people, I love connecting physically and mentally, I love orgasms. There, I said it. I also happen to do it because I found I was stellar at it. I haven't had anyone tell me differently so I could be delusional. It's okay, did I mention I have orgasms??

I'll be talking more about that later, I hope you don't mind. But, for now, I'm in NYC and I need to go out into the crazy city and visit friends, eat great food and, you know, live.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Hi and Welcome.

I should have started this blog a long time ago, but time, energy and willingness and I were not on speaking terms. We're pseudo-friends now. 

This blog, if anyone for those interested, is going to be about my favorite topic, Me and also about my second favorite topic, Sex. I will also talk about my travels, my life experiences and my friends (behind their back, of course), just not as much. This will not be nearly as bad as it sounds. I'm funny, engaging and intelligent and willing to post hot pictures from time to time to keep you (probably) overly entertained.

So, please be nice (snarky is for children - this is an X-RATED site, thank you). 
I'm Nikki Irish, glad you're here.