Thursday, October 6, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Back home and snuggled down in my oh, so soft bed writing this causes me to feel delirious! I'm so glad to be back. 

For all of my raging, pent up desire to run around this wild continent (and others, too - where allowed by law) I am never so happy as when I cross the threshold of my own comfortable home after gallivanting here and there. There is nothing like it. 

Having said that, this trip reminded me as I stepped up to my door, that I'd soon be leaving here and that made me sad. The beauty of this place is so calming and wonderful. I like the consistency of the weather and how perfect it always is. I'll definitely miss that. 

But, my move is a positive move, a move that will bring me closer to a much more permanent home which, at one point, I had absolutely no interest in. Funny how life changes you. 

I've lived in Texas, Mississippi, Massachusetts, California (twice), Virginia, DC, New York and Nevada. I get a thrill out of being the master of my destiny and using that power to go where I want. I have had some amazing adventures, learned some things (that black stuff in NYC? Not tar, but dirty, filthy ice - walk slowly - you're welcome) and always looked ahead to the next adventure. But, now, now I want to settle down and have my own space in the same place for years. I hope I can find that in Las Vegas (my heart feels right there).

For now, I'm packing, moving, saying good-bye to my almost brand new friends and hoping that this is the move of my life. Wish me luck!

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