Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Once upon a time I had a boyfriend that I loved very much, and who also loved me. He showed me by sleeping around and lying. We aren't together anymore because apparently me being ungrateful wasn't a part of the plan.

I am not ready to date, but what better time than when you loathe the idea with every part of your soul? Perfect. I can tell you exactly how this turns out. And, so I will...

The first person I met was tall and handsome with an accent. He was athletic, loved scuba and the outdoors, and animals! He was charming and charismatic and sarcastic. I mean, very sarcastic. Astonishingly so.

We met at a mutually agreeable place and time. He was instantaneously critical of everyone and everything. Almost like he practiced it. Continuously. I suppose I was his unwitting audience. I assumed that because of his pedigree that these things naturally went along with that. I'd like to add as a disclaimer that I hated it immediately. But, I'm southern, if you want to act like an asshole there's almost nothing you can do, as a stranger, to get me to point that out. Y'all.

So, after chatting combatively for a little while we finally got down to brass tacks. I made him uncomfortable, he didn't know what to do with me, he'd never met anyone like me. Whoa, there. I can take verbal bombs, mainly because I expect people to take them, too, sometimes, but this was so deranged, so far from a human response to a stranger being nice, that I politely slid out of my chair, draped my purse over my shoulder and made a mad dash to my car. I only hope he didn't get my plate number because I can totally see stalking as a future goal of his.

The second 'date' thankfully only went as far as text messaging. 

Got a text from someone with 'good morning' as the introduction. Clearly this person didn't know me, or the 7 a.m. buzzing in my ear would have happened three hours later therefore, I ignored it. I woke up (not at 10, that's actually when I start to feel less zombie) and replied with 'hello?' IMMEDIATELY I'm bombared with questions about why didn't I recognize this number (I'm the one who gave my number because obviously I need another lesson in crazy - I'm about to get it), didn't I know who it was, etc. When I replied that, no, I socialize, work, volunteer, etc. and get lots of numbers, I got a terse 'bye.' What-the-fuck-ever you clown. I apologized and told him I'm used to people introducing themselves. He then accused me of being a 'player' and other things I deleted out of my phone. 

I quickly dismissed myself from that lunatic and vowed to never date in Vegas, ever. I do believe I'm here to merely serve as an example to all women that Vegas is probably not the best place to find someone to live out the rest of your days with. Unless sleeping with an axe strapped to your chest and a .38 glued to your palm is your idea of romance. 

The end.


Sunday, September 23, 2012


I do love it. I do it as often as I can because, dammit, I'm worth it. 

I have a beautiful, highly rated spa very near my house fortunately. I booked an appointment one beautiful Sunday and headed over to sit in the jacuzzi, steam room, sauna...yum.

I also booked time for a facial and a hot rock massage. 

First, let me tell you this is what I sounded like the whole time I was there: Mmmmmmm. Ahhhhhhhh. OH MY GOD. Wow. Mmmmmmmmmmm. A lot of mmmmmm's, actually. 

There is a reason I'm saying this. 

I head to get my hot stone massage. There is absolutely nothing better than sliding naked under the heavy blanket and waiting for someone with experienced hands to run them all over my body. Okay, maybe orgasm. But, god, it's so close. 

So, a young guy comes in and begins the process of placing the rocks on my back, in my hand, etc. He then starts to run the warm rocks over my body. I cannot contain myself or the almost-orgasmic joy I feel going through my body. Cue sounds from above. I couldn't help myself. When I feel something delicious an involuntary moan comes sliding out of my mouth. Sensually, sexily, yes. I'm sorry. Not really.

So, he's rocking my body (I apologize, bad pun). I'm laying there and cannot keep my mouth from making these really dirty, sexual noises. I had to admit, I wasn't turned on by him, but my body betrays me and so I know he thinks HE is the one turning me on. Know how I know? He asks me out to dinner. 

Oh. My. God. I've done it now. I deflect the attention and go back to the business of absorbing this amazing pleasure. Do you think I can stop? I can't. My mouth, my body, those noises. Oh man. 

Thankfully, or not so, the massage ends and I can sneak out without looking him in the eye. I just couldn't. How embarrassing. 

So, I go to get a facial. SAME THING. She's rubbing my shoulders during the time the mask is on my face, etc. By the time I'm ready to go I'm pretty sure the gorgeous girl thinks I'm going to ask her out. She walks me to the waiting area where I started with her arm around me the whole time. Oh my god. Again.

I'm pretty sure everyone there thinks I'm the spa slut. I'd defend myself, but I would never apologize for feeling SO good.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dirty Job Done

Well, of course you need a redheaded woman.

I was sitting here on this beautiful Sunday morning and a song that I was introduced to by an old lover popped into my head. Bruce Springsteen's Redheaded Woman.

When I first heard it I didn't realize how dirty it was, or how aptly it described redheaded women. 

Aren't we fiery and hot? Dirty and delicious? What is it about us? 

Having thought it over I have to say that it is definitely an internal inferno. There is something that burns inside of me. It is passion turned up high. 

I'm not just talking about sex, that is just a vehicle to express that fire. I mean, it's about feeling passionate, it's living on a higher level. It's loving and breathing life. 

We can see every cheap thing you've ever done because we have that intuition and it usually slants to the dirty. Which is where I think men like to hang out. I know you know what I mean. 

This song has just made my Sunday. It's also made me want to embrace even more my sexy, sensual, dirty side. It makes me proud to be a redhead.

So, play on. I'll put my tight skirt on and dance for you.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Safety & Etiquette

For the most part I have very little trouble with appointments in this business. Most men are genuine and kind and care very much that I feel safe and comfortable.

And there are those who don't. They are the ones who mislead, harass and sometimes threaten. Those are the ones that make this a difficult job, because to not be wary of everyone means getting taken by the men you least expect to. I can't allow that, obviously.

It surely must be the rule that references are required. Why would I meet someone that I have never met before, have no knowledge of, most likely don't know their real name to find anything out about, etc? What kind of logical person thinks that way?

That means, gentleman, if you write to me as though you have no idea what a reference is, or you get upset because I require them, I will most likely block your email address and hope that you forget about me. 

I will not allow you, a stranger, into my home without knowing that at least someone else trusts you. I also would never meet someone in a hotel that I had no information about. This is common sense, please don't act like I just asked for your credit history when I say I need references. You know better.

Also, writing to a person just to harass them shows a marked lack of outside interests on your part. Join a team, find a hobby, clean your car, I don't care, but please stop writing me without any intention of ever meeting me. That is creepy, weird behavior and is frightening. It also shows that you're most likely friendless and living in a dark basement playing WoW and calling online people your ‘posse.’ Great.

But, if you write to me and immediately give me a couple of references and a few lines about who you are and what you like, we'll get along famously. A picture goes a long way as well. I just want to get the formalities out of the way first so that we can then get onto the most important thing: you and me. Together. Oh yeah.

So, drop the behavior that says 'be afraid of me,' because I most likely will oblige you, and if you're scary enough, inform other people of that fact, too. 

All you other sexy men, keep writing and sharing your time with me, it's been such a great experience!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


I just read an email from someone who could potentially be a new friend. The more I read his detailed email to me, the more his personality came through, the more I wanted to meet him!

His sense of humor was evident and really drew me to him. He included photos of himself (one as a joke) and by the end of reading the email (actually, re-reading) I knew I had to meet this person!

I have often wanted to know more about the people I meet with, but in the interest of privacy I've never asked for more than I've been given (in email, people, in email).

Obviously the more you know about the person you're with, the more intimate the encounter. I also try to remember the details I am given so that we have things to share in conversation. I want this to feel like a heightened experience, not just a THING.

Whatever you may hear or read about this profession; I am not in this solely for financial gain. I find that knowing nothing about a person has a certain appeal; the thrill of finding out little things as our encounter progresses, but really knowing who I'm meeting gives everything a feel of sexy familiarity. I love that.

So, introduce yourself to me. Tell me who you are, show me who you are. I want your personality to come off the screen and surround me. I want you to be a participant in our experience. It will make it more than you ever thought it could be, I'm sure.

Friday, July 6, 2012

High Road

So, I just got back from a little road trip, you may have heard about it. Stops in Louisville, St. Louis (love you, miss you, marry me), Kansas City, Oz (no, seriously), and finally Denver (old friends made this so special). It was a long trip, but meeting new people at every stop was so worth it all.

I love this country, I love how different it is from coast to coast. I love the people, I love just getting enough of a taste to want to go back (and eat you St. Louis), it's heavenly. I'm a traveler at heart and so I do.

Then reality hits and it's home again. Home to chores, bills, animals, responsibilities. I definitely don't discount the piece of heaven that is my bed, a swimming pool that I know all those kids did not just pee in, a full fridge, my fast car, and the steady, reliable weather of Las Vegas. YES, I love them and appreciate them, but reality bites. It's true.

Thank god I love my job!

Oh, speaking of that: why do I come home from meeting amazing people, eating amazing food, and seeing amazing sites, to pettiness and anger and hostility and sabotage? I graduated junior high, hello?

Can't we all just be grown up about this industry? Why all the bitterness and hatred? Why all the cattiness and immaturity? I won't ever understand it.

Let's get this straight: I am here to live a debaucherous life. I am here to find pleasure and joy in every experience I have with another person. I have zero desire to have people in my life who don't feel the same way. I don't even want your inability to get along with other people, the inability to not want to leave a negative mark on other's lives, the inability to mind your own business, anywhere near me or my amazing karma. Go find a cosmic garbage can and use it. Throw that away and start to live the life you were meant to.

None of us is here to make life miserable for another person. Whatever happened, whatever you've gone through, I'm sorry, I don't know what it feels like, but I'm truly sorry you do, but take the high road (I love this road, it's majestic). Don't let bitterness rule you, that sucks.

I want a life of peace, love and sex. And in copious quantities. Let's celebrate us, because we are all we truly have.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Road Tripping!

Hi everyone, how are you all? You look fabulous! Did you miss me? I missed you! I've been very busy with my new house (someone had to break the pool in - what?), but wanted to come and let you in on the latest developments in my sweet life!

Starting mid-June my girlfriend Farrah and I will be driving from Virginia where she is now located to Las Vegas where she'll soon be residing (so excited!). 

Our travels will take us through beautiful Kentucky (most likely Louisville) through to St. Louis (the Arch!) to Kansas City to see friends then to Denver (I'll show you mile high) and finally through Utah as sightseers until we finally rest in Las Vegas!

Before all of that (June 11-15) we'll be in DC (well, Alexandria) and we hope to see all of our old friends, and new ones, before we pack the Uhaul and head to Vegas!

Also, I have a dive trip planned for September in Barbados. I have also just made the best tasting cheesecake in the world. No, really. The WORLD.

Gatsby is doing well with chemo, Lexi has a new boyfriend in the form of the pool vacuum, the sun shines every day here and my heart overflows with happiness now that I'm in the place I'm supposed to be.

Okay, done with my stream-of-consciousness thing there. :)

I will do better about updating my blog; I have a million things I want to say, but for now this will have to do.

Thank you for your patience, you are the best followers I could ever ask for.

Love, love and more love (and lots and lots of sex!).

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I apologize for the delay in getting back here and writing, I do miss it, but I've been so busy! I don't remember the last time that taking a deep breath felt so good. 

So, I've had a few things happening. I'm moving into a new house. I'm very excited about that. It's stressful, but once I'm in I'll be deliriously happy, I'm sure. 

My dog, Gatsby, was diagnosed with a brain inflammation. It requires extensive chemo and medical appointments. He's very sick, but hopefully with the treatment he'll feel good and he'll be my little partner for a very long time. It's distressing to talk about, so we'll leave it at that.

I've traveled to DC, which was amazingly fun! I love, love, love the men of that city, they make every trip there so enjoyable. I wish I could spend more of my life there, it makes me that happy to be there. 

I'm headed to NYC May 6-12. It will be very exciting to be there, the weather should be perfect! I'll be going with Farrah again, we always have such a good time! I'm staying in Midtown, as usual, so I hope to see all of my good friends while I'm there. I look forward to making new friends, too!

So, I'm packing and cleaning and stressing out. I'll write more later! I've really missed this blog! 

Sunday, March 25, 2012


All of my life my family and I have had animals. From my sweet cocker, Candy and her baby girl, Sheena, to my beloved and missed cocker, Scuba. 

I have loved and adored animals my whole life. I have always been around them and feel a deep compassion and love for all of them. If I find out someone abuses animals that person ceases to exist to me. They may as well be dead. 

I now have two dogs: Lexi Lulu (a yorkie) and Gatsby (a morkie - maltese/yorkie). They bring me so much joy. I know that if I didn't have them my life would be darker and with a lot less laughter. With them I feel this unconditional love and devotion that people are never capable of, including myself. 

Tonight I was on the internet reading from one of my favorite news sites when I came across a story of an abused and abandoned dog. Unfortunately that isn't uncommon (and may whoever hurt this animal - and any animal - burn in hell with the hottest of fire), I see it far more than you would think is possible. The difference here was that this dog was saved by the love and compassion of two people who run a website called Hope for Paws. I read some of their stories, watched some heartwrenching videos and then I donated to their amazing cause.

I don't normally do this on my blog, that isn't what I started it for, but this time I'll make an exception. If you would please donate to this organization (www.hopeforpaws.org) I would be eternally grateful to you. I will also give you $25 off a visit with me (and most likely more for your generosity) and I will thank you in untold ways.

I think that innocent, harmless, defenseless animals deserve our love and attention and our care and support. They can't help themselves so I try to do as much as I possibly can.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are fabulous.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I think we can all safely agree here that time is valuable. It's a precious commodity that you will never, ever have enough of. It's not bottomless, it's not overflowing, it ebbs slowly and silently until it's all gone.

We all know what time means to each of us; I'm pretty sure we all value our own time.

What I think we don't do is value other people's time. And what I especially think I understand, is that people who see women like me fail to understand the value of my time.

While it's a decadent fantasy to believe that I sit around all day in my lingerie and expensive perfume drinking fine wine in a candlelit atmosphere, I'm afraid that it just isn't true.

I have a life; family, friends, hobbies and serious pursuits that take up a vast majority of my time. If I see you it is because I have taken a very important amount of time and set it aside for you. I didn't do it frivolously, I didn't spin around blindfolded and point to a time. I didn't agree to a time because my day is so wide open that anytime with you would work. I made a conscious decision based on the very important things going on in my life to make room for you.

So, when you write to me, you send me references that I diligently check, we correspond (sometimes at length - which I don't mind) and I then clear the time that YOU asked for, making it so no one else anywhere near that time can see me. Because I don't watch the clock this is very necessary. All of that takes time. Precious, valuable time that I have spent, and thus wasted if you don't show up, if you cancel or if you decide you've found someone better.

I would never, as the consummate professional that I am, ever do this to you. I would never take your time and then write you cancelling because I got a better offer or I decided that I'd rather go shopping or spend time doing something else.

I'm not saying everyone does this, but it is turning out to be a bigger problem here in Vegas than I've encountered in other cities.

Please understand that, while I love doing this, meeting you, sharing my very valuable time with you, that it affects me in many ways if you make an appointment and then don't show up.

I'm asking for courtesy, that's all. Be courteous of my very valuable, precious time. Thanks.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Here is a compilation of some of my very favorite quotes:

'Her kisses left something to be desired...the rest of her.' -Unknown

'Blake said that the body was the soul's prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open. He considered the senses the 'windows of the soul.' When sex involves all the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experience.' - Jim Morrison (I love Blake!)

'The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.' - Brenda Behan

'Sex ran in him like the sea.' - John Masefield

'I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty.' - John Waters

'It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the lover.' - Marge Piercy

'I'd like to meet the man who invented sex and see what's he's working on now.' - Unknown

'I think I could fall madly in bed with you.' - Unknown

'I think the quality of sexiness comes from within. It is something that is in you or it isn't and it really doesn't have much to do with breasts or thighs or the pout of your lips.'
- Sophia Loren

Which one is your favorite?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


You walk in and I immediately come to you and wrap my arms around you, I press my body to yours and I breathe in your scent deeply. I tilt my head up and look into your eyes in a slow, deliberate motion that tells you I need your lips on mine.

You acquiesce and we are bound together for seconds that turn into minutes that seem to turn into hours. Your hands slide up and down my body, slowly feeling the curves and the softness of my exposed skin. I hear your moan and pull my mouth from yours, searching for the next moment in our evening in your eyes.

I see that you crave me and I place my hands on your face and bring your mouth back to mine. Kissing you deeply, I slide my hand down your chest and bring it to rest on the zipper of your tailored pants. It doesn't surprise me that your pants have now expanded to hold your throbbing cock.

I reach back up with both hands and start to untie your beautiful tie, unbutton the shirt that covers the body I will soon worship for hours and hungrily try to shred your clothes without a tear.

You soon stand naked in front of me, my hands slowly making their way over every inch of you. Circling you, whispering in your ear how I can't wait to have you inside of me, touching every part of you. My breasts slide across your back and it is all you can do to not twist me to the front of you and throw me on the bed, sliding into me and fucking me without mercy. But you wait, there will be time for that...

To be continued...

Monday, February 13, 2012


That's how many hits I've gotten to my blog since the end of September last year when I posted my first entry.

I want to apologize to those who came expecting smut, that's coming. I also want to apologize for my mediocre writing, that isn't changing. For those wanting more photos, I'm working on it. I love this thing, I'm glad you do, too.

Thank you for reading, I promise to keep talking into the wind and hoping that you keep wanting to hear what it is that I have to say.

Also, the comments have been beyond appreciated. Thank you to all who gave their input. I may not have responded, but, outside of the psycho who keeps writing 'YOUR AN IDIOT,' yes, with bad punctuation and terrible spelling, they have all been heartwarming and kind. YOU'RE awesome.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Oh, New York City, you've once again swept me up in your welcoming embrace and held me warmly with the amazing men your city teems with. It was so good to see you again, too.

I don't know where else I can feel this passionate, this wild, but with you. You open up and you implore me to give everything I have to you, and you return that to me over and over.

You bring to me the most sensual of men. Where did you find them at? I need to clone them and take them back to the tame West with me. We would light the night sky on fire.

I am rapturous, drunk on the ecstasy that I've experienced. Spent, but renewed by the headiness of my experience with the city and its incredible inhabitants. You have all reminded me of why I will forever have this place embedded in my soul.

I have experienced lovers to surpass all lovers, laughed and reacquainted myself with old friends and made new ones. Orgasmic doesn't touch the feeling that I leave here with.

Thank you, you bright, beautiful city and all of you that helped to create this euphoria in me and have me dreaming of my timely return. Until then.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Isn't it such an agonizing thing to do? To say you made a mistake, you were wrong, you did it? Yes. Terribly so.

I used to have a difficult time apologizing. It was as though my insides were in a compactor being crushed to particles. I lost my breath, I literally would have to keep my face from contorting in pain from my nerves being twisted in a bunch. It was an ordeal, to say the least.

Now, I see that apologizing is a part of growing up, being an adult. I easily admit when I'm wrong, absolutely see where I made the mistake and I can look someone in the eye and, with all of the compassion I can muster, say 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.' Or, whatever. 'I'm sorry I was such a...yeah, you didn't deserve that.' I can say 'I was wrong' and believe it when I say it. 

Having learned how to do that helps me to live a more complete life. It's as though I went through the School of Life and passed another course. I'm slowly inching toward graduating to a more whole me. I can't wait to get that diploma (just kidding, I know I'll never graduate, I'll never be perfect, dammit).

Friday, January 27, 2012

New York City

Magical New York City. I lived there for a few years and fell in love, and then out of love, and now I just think of it longingly. But I won't have to think about it much because I'll be right in the middle of that madness again very soon.

Everyone should live in this place just once, for a time. While it's expensive, prohibitively so, the weather is torturous at times, and the people can be callous, insensitive and dismissive most days, it still IS the most fabulous place on earth. 

I remember living there and reveling in the energy and sparkle of the compact city with far too many people and cars than it could reasonably hold. I never lost the feeling that I was experiencing something most people just dream of. I was constantly in awe and aware that I was in the middle of the biggest thing I'd ever know in my lifetime.

I also experienced a deep, dark, paralyzing depression. When the snow started and the rain fell, my mood did as well. The noise of the city constantly reverberating in my head, both while awake and asleep, was enough to cause brief insanity. I had to leave or lose myself.

But, the things I felt when I was there, while I was feeling them, were life altering and I'm proud to say that I once lived in such a majestic city where anything you want can be found. Any kind of food, lover or adventure I wanted was just waiting for me to call it forth. I indulged mightily and I'm not sorry.

So, as I return to the place I have a burning love/hate relationship with, I'm happy to be able to take what I want and leave the rest, and I hope when I do that I, and the city, am richer for it. I'm almost positive we will be.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Do you ever wonder why sitting in bed, eating cheetos and watching Survivor isn't a sport? I do. 

I've been training really hard (in my mind I'm killing myself, when in reality I probably look like I eat cheetos and watch television all day) and my body is really feeling the wear and tear. 

I ordered this THING, this styrofoam log, for lack of a better descriptor and it is a torture device. Kind of like the treadmill, free weights and shoes without support so I can 'feel.' Oh, please, I don't need all that to feel. I'm a chick, we FEEL everything. That's probably not what they meant. So...

I roll on this thing using the force of my own body weight to work out the kinks in my legs. Essentially, I'm forcing me to hurt myself. There has to be a group on the internet for this, I'm sure of it. It is so painful and breathtakingly so. Too bad you can't just order a masseur online and get them to come over and mold you back into shape GENTLY. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that training to run a race isn't as nice as going to Barbados and diving in clear blue water. Now THAT'S a sport! But, this sport? It's hard, difficult, painful and man, do I want to quit sometimes. But in the spirit of I'm-Not-A-Loser I keep going and going. That lung capacity thing is going to be the death of me, but it isn't taking me down without a fight!

I feel healthier, happier and energized. I feel like it's also helping transition to a new life, as though if I can do this, I can do anything! It's uplifting and motivating and my body is doing things I never in a million years thought it would be able to do. 

So now, when my sister says 'Uh, Nikki, there ARE people who shouldn't run, I think that's us,' I can look at her and say, 'Apparently NOT.'

Thursday, January 12, 2012


My whole life has been one form of race or another. Race to the alter, race to buy a house, race to have children, race to divorce that...never mind. 

So, me starting to run seemed like a natural progression. Anyone that knows me knows that I have a hard time sitting still, it's not in me, I like to be moving. I enjoy the adrenaline rush, that high, when my outside body is in sync with my inside body. My heart racing, my breathing deep, my ass killing me. Oops, TMI. 

So, as usual for Ms. Overachiever, I decided after I began to run (and do it well) that I'd sign up for a 10K. Oh yeah. I'm going to do it in an hour and then I'm going to drink Las Vegas dry. Because I can't drink a drop before the race in March. Oh, I forgot to mention it was in less than 2 months? It is, it is. 

I'm very excited to be expanding my life is these wild and wonderful directions. Exercise never came easy to me because for most of my life I didn't have to worry about it. My metabolism kept my weight down regardless of what I ate. Wow, do I miss those days. So, now I'm at the gym 5 days a week and, while it gives me untold energy, my eating habits keep my ass the same size. Yeah, the ass you love and know. You better enjoy it while you can because it's shrinking fast. Alaska becomes Rhode Island, if you know what I mean.

So, I start hard training tomorrow and with one day off for rest, I'm going to be crying on here like you just told me I couldn't shoe shop anymore. YOU WILL LOVE IT. 

I'm going to go eat a deep dish pizza with a side of Chimay 12 pack now. Wish me luck and look for the new and improved ass coming soon!