Monday, June 10, 2024

Gut Wrenching

 June 10. I chose this day because it’s the birthday of someone that I love very much. I will never forget this day.

This morning I told Gatsby, my little love, my partner in crime, my travel buddy, good-bye. That I would love him forever. That he was the very best boy. That my life was so enriched by him and, now, so diminished without him. 

There are some people who don’t understand the love that exists between a person and their dog. My sympathies.

I will never apologize for how very much I loved him, still love him, and will forever love him. I am inconsolable. 

I am also beyond grateful that the universe bestowed upon me the great honor of being his person. In return for giving him the most soft life, he gave me more love, more  joy, more adoration than I ever deserved. 

His devotion to me was unparalleled. I have never felt from any human the limitless love that he gave me. My heart aches.

Gatsby, I will love you until my last breath. You will forever remain deep in my broken heart. Thank you for your ever-steady, never faltering, deep and meaningful  companionship, there are no words to say how very much I miss you. 

Forever and ever and ever, I love you.